• Smart Sustainable Social Innovations

    is situated in Athens, Greece. With international alliances and collaborations with major companies in the energy and smart technology industries, 3SI creates innovations and provides smart energy solutions.

About us

Smart innovation

capability to create new opportunities based on digitalization and operational efficiency, mobilize interoperability and cooperation of systems and actors, foster an innovate managerial approach in an effective way in order to ameliorate markets and business models for future economic growth and prosperity.

Sustainable innovation

developing new ways in which to sustain continuous improvement for carbon-neutral economic growth, competitive advantage, increased market share, etc. Allocating energy and human resources appropriately, valorising capabilities, ensuring feasibility, and reporting a return on investment are important steps in creating a sustainable innovative business environment.

Social innovation

take into account the impact of transformations on society and seek to have a benefit, taking care of the environment, the societies and well-being. Thus, our company is assessing the risks that science and technology can generate for society, as a consequence of their transformative role, providing in-depth studies on:

  • Citizenship, engagement and knowledge exchange in relation to energy efficiency and digitalization;
  • Energy sustainability in relation to equity, justice, poverty and vulnerability;
  • Energy efficiency in relation to everyday life and practices of energy consumption and production;
  • Framing, defining and measuring energy efficiency;
  • Governance, policy and political issues around energy sustainability;
  • Roles of economic systems, supply chains and financial mechanisms in improving energy policies and regulations; and
  • The interactions, unintended consequences and rebound effects of energy efficiency interventions.

Our services

1) Business model development in carbon-neutral economy

We analyze business environments and develop sustainable business models for entrepreneurs in energy sector and consumers to augment their business activities and improve their economic viability and wellbeing in national or regional EU level.

2) Energy Markets, Regulation, Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment

We provide analytic insights into energy markets and complex regulatory environments, conduct Cost benefit assessment of smart grid investments, economic and environmental risk assessments.

3) Renewable Energy Projects and Energy Efficiency

We conduct power system studies for renewables and energy efficiency projects, designing strategies for implementing high-end, smart grid, low-carbon technology solutions, promoting sector integration and capacity building.

4) Social Science and Humanities

We provide holistic socioeconomic impact analysis of smart sustainable innovations, focusing on subjects like economics, history, behavioral patterns, political and cultural sciences. We develop pathways for strong communication to end consumers enabling public acceptance and user engagement in smart sustainable innovations, ensuring an understanding of cultural and societal differences.

6) Cybersecurity

Traditional energy technologies are gradually connecting to more contemporary, digital networks and technology. As the energy system becomes more digitalized, users will be better able to take advantage of cutting-edge energy services.

The security of the energy supply and the privacy of customer data might both be in danger due to increased susceptibility to cyberattacks and cybersecurity events brought on by digitalization.

3SI team is highly experienced in providing solutions for cybersecurity measures (organizational approaches, changes in the procedures and qualified staff ) to face malicious cyber-attacks.

The team

Smart Sustainable Social Innovations IKE is comprised of a multidisciplinary expert team in the fields of engineering, informatics, finance, social science and humanities, highly motivated and determined to provide top quality services to clients.


Watch the USES4HEAT’s new promo video unveiled

We’re excited to share the latest developments in sustainable energy with the release of the USES4HEAT promotional video! This captivating video shows how Italy and Norway are pioneering the future of heating through advanced underground energy storage technology.

Thunder project website is now live!

THUNDER solutions stretch across the value chain (data centre…


Get in touch

You can contact us by email: info@3si-ike.eu or by submitting the contact form below.


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