Entries by admin

Watch the USES4HEAT’s new promo video unveiled

We’re excited to share the latest developments in sustainable energy with the release of the USES4HEAT promotional video! This captivating video shows how Italy and Norway are pioneering the future of heating through advanced underground energy storage technology.

Thunder project website is now live!

THUNDER solutions stretch across the value chain (data centre innovative storage providers, heat pump manufacturers and district energy company operators). The THUNDER solutions will be validated in field conditions at the Demosite in Bulgaria where the practice of waste heat recovery from data centres is not widely diffused thus boosting the market also in those […]

An inspiring workshop by ZEBAI project

By addressing these challenges, the ZEBAI Project can pave the way for a more robust and sustainable construction industry that will play a vital role in rebuilding Ukraine.

The TwinEU Project Website is Live!

TwinEU is a flagship project for the implementation of the EU Action Plan: Digitalization of the Energy System. Dive into https://twineu.net/ to explore Europe’s largest initiative for energy digitalization.

3SI participated in the kick off meeting of THUNDER project that took place in Genoa, Italy

3SI was at Genoa, Italy participating at the kick off meeting of THUNDER project, that took place in 3th and 31st of January 2024 and was hosted by RINA-C. The THUNDER project aims to overcome existing barriers hampering a wide adoption of DCs waste heat recovery strategies, providing an innovative, efficient and cost attractive Seasonal […]

3SI participates in the KoM of project Zebai on 22nd, 23rd and 24rth of January that took place in Madrid, Spain

The meeting was designed to provide a general overview of the whole project and to agree to a common understanding of goals
and steps towards the achievement of these goals. Main key areas of the project, such as its scope, implementation (in the form of work packages), expected risks, resources and schedule were discussed and some immediate action points were agreed by the partners.

USES4HEAT project launched to enable the decarbonisation of European heating and cooling through innovative seasonal Thermal Energy Storage

The USES4HEAT project kicked off in December 2023 to enable decarbonised and reliable heating supply through innovative large scale seasonal thermal energy storage solutions. USES4HEAT (full name: Underground Large Scale Seasonal Energy Storage for Decarbonised and Reliable Heat) will demonstrate two innovative, cost-effective, large-scale seasonal underground thermal energy storage (TES) units to maximise the availability […]

The LIST by Enlit: Issue 6

The new issue of the List is live and it includes some really interesting articles. You can read all about here